The Mast Multi Academy Trust Scheme of Delegation
This scheme of delegation lays out the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders in The Mast Multi Academy Trust decision making. Ultimately, the Board of Trustees has accountability for the operation of all areas of the Trust. The Board of Trustees has the power to delegate responsibility for areas of decision making to other key stakeholders as well as the commitment to consulting with others as part of the collaborative way of working in our Trust.
The scheme of delegation should be used in association with other documents that guide the operation of a Multi Multi Academy Trust, such as the Academy Trust Handbook, the Governance Handbook, our own Articles of Association and Terms of Reference.
The scheme of delegation will be reviewed regularly in order to assess suitability (annually as a minimum).
Click on each tab below for more information relating to the headers.
Here are some key definitions of the terms used as abbreviations to indicate the roles of various groups in the operation of the scheme of delegation.
Responsible | These are the “doers” of the task; they complete the task or objective and propose decisions to those who are accountable. |
Accountable | This person or body is the “owner” of the task. They sign off or approve the task, objective or decision. There is only one person or body accountable and this is often set by statutory or government guidance. |
Consulted | The individuals or bodies who will be collaborated with as part of the process of completing a task. Their input is required before the task can be completed and signed-off. While those responsible and accountable are not obliged to accept the views put forward, they must be actively considered. |
Informed | The individuals or bodies who need to be kept “in the picture.” They need updates on progress or decisions; they do not need to be formally consulted, nor do they contribute directly to the task or decision. |
The scheme of delegation applies to all schools across the Trust. If identified by the Trust Board that the levels of delegation need to be adjusted based on outcomes of the schools - the Governing Body will be informed of this. Formal adjustments to the scheme of delegations will be communicated to the individual school LGC and leadership team. A structured plan will be formulated to ensure rapid improvement and the reinstatement of full delegated powers.
Decisions required outside of this scheme of delegation - where a delay would be likely to be seriously detrimental to the interests of the school, a pupil, a parent or member of staff - the emergency decision making protocol will be applied.. All other decisions will and must follow the normal quorum process for decision making as identified in the terms of reference, scheme of delegation and Articles of Association.
Accountable |
Ensure that the schools within the Trust comply with all the duties in relations to students with SEN. |
Responsible |
Monitor the school’s performance and for regulatory compliance and for supporting and challenging the school to develop its strengths and to address its weaknesses. |
Monitor the school’s response to the recommendations of the last inspection and any significant changes in the quality of education. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Monitor progress, achievement and learning of different groups of students. |
Monitor the overall quality of students’ progress, achievements and learning (achievement, attainment, progress, attitudes) and for supporting and challenging the school in order to help it continue to improve. |
Provide professional support to schools to help them improve and deliver high quality academic performance. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Know and understand the school’s response to the recommendations of the last inspection and any significant changes in the quality of education or care. |
Know, understand and challenge the overall quality of students’ achievements and learning (achievement, attainment, progress, attitudes). |
Support the school in its self-evaluation of significant strengths or weaknesses (academic and other achievements, personal development, and governance, leadership and management) |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Accurate self-evaluation of the school, its strengths and weaknesses and for implementing a plan of action to address this. |
Cooperates effectively with school to school support contracts identified for the school to bring about rapid and sustained improvements. |
Has a detailed understanding of the overall quality of student’s achievements and progress based on accurate evidence of individual student achievement and progress. |
Knows what to do to improve academic performance and ensures appropriate action is taken in a timely, consistent and strategic way. |
Liaise with the local authority in respect of students who have or might have SEND. |
Specifically has a detailed understanding of the achievements and progress of different groups of students based on accurate evidence of individual student achievement and progress. |
To designate a teacher to be responsible for coordinating SEND provision. |
To make provisions for SEND students with or without a EHCP. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Appoint a link trustee with ownership for assurance of careers (middle schools only) |
Appoint a link trustee with ownership for assurance of SEND |
Carries the ultimate responsibility for the overall performance of Mast Academy schools and the schools within the Trust. |
Responsible |
Appoint a Trustee with responsibility for SEN and Disability and that they ensure the TB knows and understands the achievement and learning of different groups of students. |
Comply with the Local Authority in relation to ‘Local Offer’ for students. |
Ensure the school has a SEND Policy that is reviewed annually. |
Responsible |
Authorise any change in the PAN or admission over PAN in any year group. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Monitor statutory compliance on behalf of the Trust. |
Monitor student numbers and their impact on the financial health of the school. |
Provide support for setting and reviewing admissions policies and liaising with the LA. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Provide support, challenge, advice and encouragement in the area of marketing. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Contribute to and comply with any LA in year admission and fair access protocols. |
Develop and implement the school’s strategic marketing plan. |
Implement the school’s admissions policy and the appeals process. |
Measure the success of the marketing plan through the agreed key performance indicators and, most particularly, through student numbers. |
To monitor pupil numbers and propose any changes to pupil admission number and propose adjustments to the CEO. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Agree the principles underpinning each school’s admissions policy including that of SEND students, and the PAN and AN. |
Responsible |
Ensure that the school complies with admission appeals. |
Responsible |
Develop the overall strategic plan for capital expenditure taking into account the individual schools’ strategic plans. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Develop the wider estates policy in line with the Trust’s strategy. |
Monitor statutory compliance with regulations relating to premises and accommodation on behalf of the Board. |
Provide the TB and schools with professional support and advice relating to the management of buildings and the estate. |
Governors |
Informed |
Receive summary maintenance plans in order to understand any planned capital works and the impact of the strategic plan on the quality of the school buildings. |
Responsible |
Although not itself responsible for capital expenditure decisions, together with the Headteacher; the LGC develop priorities for capital expenditure and large scale ‘minor works’ in line with the strategic plan. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Together with the LGC and collaboration services; oversight of the PFI contract (where applicable). |
Together with the LGC; develop priorities for capital expenditure and large scale ‘minor works’ in line with the strategic plan. |
With the professional support of the collaboration services is responsible for the maintenance of the school and its facilities. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Approve the annual strategic capital expenditure plan. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Support and advise when requested. |
Governors |
Accountable |
Appoint a link governor with ownership for assurance of stakeholder engagement |
Know and understand the school’s links with the community, parents & carers and ensuring strong relationships at all levels |
Responsible |
Support, challenge and advise the school as it seeks to improve and enhance these links. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Develop effective links with the community, parents & carers. |
Accountable |
Review with the Headteacher their professional development plans for staff. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Design, develop, commission and deliver professional development programmes including Headteachers induction. |
Lead the strategic vision and provides support for professional development, training, induction, talent development and succession planning across the whole group. |
Governors |
Informed |
Receive professional development and training summary reports from the Headteacher in order to ensure the LGC is fully aware of the school’s activity in this area and can support and challenge appropriately. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Contribute to the Trust wide professional development and networks programme. |
Design, develop, commission and deliver professional development programmes at school level. |
Develop and implement the school’s strategy for professional development. |
Ensure induction and probation are highly effective for all staff. |
Ensure the school is engrossed in talent management and supporting the SCITT. |
Has a clear plan for succession planning for all key posts. |
Trustees |
Responsible |
Ensure sufficient resources are allocated to professional development across all organisations. |
Responsible |
Agree the curriculum plan annually. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Annual review of SEND provision for SEND pupils throughout the schools |
Monitor statutory compliance on behalf of the TB. |
Monitor statutory compliance with respect to the quality of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students on behalf of the TB. |
Monitor the implementation of the curriculum and qualifications strategic vision and guidance. |
Provide curriculum and qualifications guidance for all schools. |
With the LGC; is responsible for supporting, challenging and advising the school in the development and implementation of its curriculum and qualifications framework. |
Governors |
Accountable |
Adhere to the principles on which the school’s qualifications and curriculum policies are based in line with guidance as prepared by the DfE. |
Ensuring actions from the SEND review are implemented in schools |
Responsible |
Know and understand the school’s own evaluation of the quality of its curricular and extra-curricular provision. |
Know and understand the school’s own evaluation of the quality of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students. |
Support, challenge and advise the school in the development and implementation of its curriculum and qualifications framework and its extra-curricular provision. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Development and implementation of the school’s curriculum and qualifications framework. |
Development and implementation of the school’s extra-curricular provision. |
Ensure statutory policies as outlined by the MAT are in place and implemented. |
Ensure the curriculum allows students to progress to the next stage effectively. |
Ensuring an annual review is completed of SEND provision for SEND pupils and appropriate actions taken. |
Quality of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Ensuring an annual review is completed of SEND provision for SEND pupils |
Set the strategic vision for the schools’ curriculum and qualifications framework. |
Set the strategic vision for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students. |
Responsible |
Monitor statutory compliance with respect to EYFS on behalf of the Trust. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Support, challenge and advise the school in its programme of improvement. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Know and understand the school’s own evaluation of the quality of EYFS provision. |
Headteacher |
Accountable |
Meet the welfare requirements set down in law |
Responsible |
Accurate self-evaluation of EYFS, its strengths and weaknesses and for implementing a plan of action to address this. |
Trustees |
Informed |
When appropriate receives reports in relation to EYFS. |
Accountable |
Act as Accounting Officer for the Trust. |
Consulted |
Receive reports from the Finance Director. |
Responsible |
Monitor statutory compliance and the financial performance of the schools. |
Responsible |
Approve spend/order business case for spend/orders greater than £20k at a primary school and £40k at a Middle School and up to £75k for the Trust overall |
Approve CIF contributions greater than £10k or 20% (whichever is lower) up to £20K at a primary school and £40k at a middle school |
Must obtain 3 quotes, and demonstrate evidence on best value for money, for all orders greater than £5k and less than £40k for procurement by the Trust collaborative team |
Must obtain a quote or price confirmation in advance of spend/orders for items between £1k and £5k by the Trust collaborative team |
Obtaining a quote in advance is best practice for spend/orders less than £1k by the Trust collaborative team |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Acts on behalf of the Trust to enable them to discharge their duties in relation to statutory compliance and the financial performance of schools. |
Consolidate the capital plan |
Ensure the entry on the Register of Data Controllers is up to date and accurate. |
Full tender process for spend/orders greater than £40k and less than the public contract regulations limit (subject to relevant approval limits) |
Informing the Trust Board of any offered donations (monetary and physical), to the Trust and any of its schools |
Obtain a quote or price confirmation in advance of orders for items between £1k and £5k for procurement in the Trust |
Through the finance department; provide professional services for accounting, financial planning, and financial systems across the whole Trust. |
Together with the Headteacher; develop capital expenditure priorities against the schools’ strategic plan for submission to the executive team and board. |
Governors |
Informed |
Of outcome of the final budget |
Propose capital plan |
The decision by the Trust Board of approval/rejection of donations offered. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Advising the executive team of any offers of donations received for approval by the Trust Board |
Approve CIF contributions up to £10K or 20% of surplus budget (whichever is lower) |
Ensure the school cooperates with internal and external audit and implements action plans swiftly. |
Must obtain a quote or price confirmation in advance of spend/orders for items between £1k and £5k |
Obtaining a quote in advance is best practice for spend/orders less than £1k |
Together with the finance department; prepare the budget for approval by the Executive Team and is responsible for controlling costs and for ensuring the budget commitments are met. |
Together with the LGC; develop capital expenditure priorities against the school’s strategic plan for submission to the executive and board. |
Approve spend/order business case for spend/orders up to £20k at a primary school and £40k at a Middle School |
Must obtain 3 quotes, and demonstrate evidence on best value for money, for spend/orders greater than £5k and less than £40k (subject to approval limits of £40k for a Middle School and £20k for a Primary School) |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Annually appoint auditors and ensure robust internal and external audit processes |
Approve capital plan |
Approving or rejecting offered donations (monetary and physical), to the Trust and any of its schools |
Develop the overall strategic vision for the finances of the Trust as a whole and of the schools. |
Formally approve the overall budget and delegates budgets to individual schools in the summer term; advises the Board with respect to financial priorities in light of strategic plan. |
Fully compliant public contract regulations tender procedure for orders and contracts as determined by Public Contract Regulations limits |
Is legally accountable for the Trust’s assets and accounts. |
Set the financial parameters within which the school budgets are created. |
Informed |
Receive summary management accounts from the Finance team in order to ensure the Board is fully aware of the Trust’s and individual school’s financial performance. |
Responsible |
Approve spend/order business case for orders between £75K and the Public Contracts Regulations limits |
Approve spend/order business case for spend/orders over the Public Contract Regulations limits |
Considering all offered donations (monetary and physical), to the Trust and any of its schools |
Develop the overall strategic plan for capital expenditure taking into account the individual school strategic plans. |
Review and recommend capital plan |
Approve CIF contributions greater than £20k at a primary school and £40k at a middle school |
Responsible |
Carry out delegated duties from the board. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Acts on behalf of the TB to enable them to discharge their duties in relation to statutory compliance and the performance of schools. |
Ensure the boards receive papers in advance of meetings (7 days in advance). |
Provide the TB and LGCs with advice and guidance to help them improve and evaluate their processes and effectiveness. |
Provides administrative support for the TB. |
Provides effective clerking for the boards as specified in the governance structure. |
Support the TB and LGCs with their training and new member induction. |
Governors |
Accountable |
Ensure its own processes are line with the legal requirements as set down in the Articles of Association, the Master and Supplementary Funding Agreement. |
Consulted |
On the appointment of a Trustee Appointed Governor |
Informed |
Of the appointment of an interim governing board |
Support and Strengthening schools: Of the appointed of chair of governors |
Support and Strengthening schools: Of the appointed of Trust Appointed governors |
The decision by the Trust Board on Governor removal appeals |
Responsible |
Appointing members in accordance with the link governance requirements |
Approve/Decline the removal of a Governor in a local Governing Committee |
Build an effective relationship with the Governance Professionals. |
Complete school visits as outlined in the school visit policy |
Ensure the constitution of the Governing Committee meets with the DfE competency framework for governance, as a whole and the identified 'someone on the board' |
Evaluate its own processes and effectiveness. |
For electing a trustee appointed governor to their board after consultation |
Maintaining termly assurance visits and providing written reports for the whole LGC and relevant Trust Committee |
Own training and new member induction. |
Represent on the Trust development group as identified by the Trust Governance structure and terms of reference(s) |
Represents the LGC when required on Trust wide boards and/or groups |
Secure schools: Appoint the chair and vice chair from amongst their membership annually |
Succession planning and the recruitment of LGC members to ensure an appropriate balance of skills and effectiveness. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Act as a Governor on the LGC. |
Build an effective relationship with the Governance Professionals. |
Ensure LGCs receive papers in advance of meetings (7 days in advance). |
Ensure meetings are carried out in line with the terms of reference and this SoD. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Has legal responsibility for statutory compliance. |
Legally responsible for the Trust, the schools and their governance. |
May delegate responsibilities to the LGCs and to senior executives. |
Responsible for its own processes in line with the legal requirements as set down in the Articles of Association and the Master Funding Agreement. |
To appoint an interim Governing Committee in a school where governance is not meeting the statutory or education requirements |
Informed |
In receipt of termly assurance visit reports |
Responsible |
Appoint the chair and vice chair from amongst their membership annually |
Appointing members in accordance with the link governance requirements |
Appointing Trustees to support Local Governing Bodies where identified as a Trustee Appointed Governor |
Evaluating its own processes and effectiveness. |
Hear and decide the outcome of appeals from Governors who have been removed from a local Governing Committee before then end of term |
Maintaining termly assurance visits and providing written reports for the relevant Trust Committee |
Own training and new member induction. |
Succession planning and the recruitment of the Trust Chair, Board members to ensure an appropriate balance of skills and effectiveness. |
Support and Strengthening schools: Appoint a chair of governors for the Local Governing Committee on an annual basis |
Support and Strengthening schools: Appoint a Trust Appointed governor for a governing committee |
Executive Team |
Informed |
Receive updates from the headteacher on formal complaints received |
Responsible |
Manage complaints when made against the senior leader or Governing Committee. |
Managing stage 2 formal complaints against the school |
Monitor complaints and for their handling in line with Mast Academy schools guidance. |
Governors |
Informed |
Receive reports on formal complaints. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Deal with and respond to complaints at an informal and school level wherever possible. |
Implement the Trust’s policies with respect to handling of complaints. |
Informing the local Governing Committee and executive team on formal complaints |
Manage all complaint stages unless the compliant is against the senior leader or Governing Committee. |
Monitor statutory compliance in relation to complaints. |
Refer complaints received directly by the school to the appropriate person. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Set the complaints policy. |
Responsible |
Monitor statutory compliance in relation to complaints. |
Refer complaints received directly to the appropriate person. |
Responsible |
Monitor and review the implementation of the group’s risk management framework. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Commission professional health and safety audits with follow-up support and guidance at a local level. |
Monitor statutory compliance with respect to health and safety on behalf of the Trust. |
Monitor the implementation of the health and safety guidance and policies. |
Provide health and safety and risk management guidance and training for all schools including LGCs. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Observe Health and Safety on school development plan focussed school visits. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Health and safety in their school. |
Implement recommendations from the professional health and safety audits. |
Implement the Trust’s health and safety policies, guidance and training in their school. |
Implement the Trust’s risk management framework. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Approval of overall health and safety policies. |
Responsible |
Develops and monitors the group’s H&S risk management framework. |
Responsible |
Consider approval of the recommended managing staff reduction plan |
Consider changes to staffing body outside of Trust agree job families, roles and pay grades and provided recommendations accordingly to Trustees |
Define Trust collaborative team and executive & senior leadership structure |
Has the authority to dismiss, any member of staff across the Trust in accordance with MAST disciplinary policy. |
Performance management of the Executive Team and Headteachers of each school and recommendation for incremental pay progression. |
The CEO participates in appeal hearings for HR related policies such as grievance, capability or disciplinary process. |
To appoint, suspend and dismiss members of the Executive Team. |
Executive Team |
Accountable |
Approve staffing structures ensuring they are fit for purpose and affordable. |
Informed |
Outcome of any pay, grievance, capability or disciplinary process |
Responsible |
Audit and review each school’s procedures as appropriate. |
Confirm any ratification or otherwise on proposals for changes to staffing body outside of Trust agree job families, roles and pay grades |
Ensuring the adoption and adherence to the staff wellbeing charter |
Implement and monitor the performance management programmes across the whole Trust. |
Lead the strategic vision and provides professional support for performance management across the whole Trust. |
Provides HR support in all HR related matters. |
Governors |
Consulted |
When invited to do so by the CEO/Board; contribute to the performance management of the Headteacher. |
Informed |
Adjustments to staffing structures in the relevant school |
For ratification on proposals for changes to staffing body outside of Trust agree job families, roles and pay grades by Headteacher |
Of outcomes from disciplinary hearing heard by the Trust Board |
Of the adoption and adherence to the staff wellbeing charter within the school |
Outcome of any pay, grievance, capability or disciplinary process |
Responsible |
Participate in appeals as part of the pay, grievance, capability or disciplinary process which are not likely to have a gross misconduct outcome. |
Headteacher |
Accountable |
Ensure the school staffing structure is fit for purpose and affordable. |
Responsible |
Define their own school staffing structure within budget constraints |
Ensure all Staffing policies are implemented, including Equality Policy. |
Ensuring the adoption and adherence to the staff wellbeing charter within the school |
Has the authority to dismiss in line with Trust policy. |
Hearing cases as part of the pay, grievance, capability or disciplinary process and issuing outcome as appropriate or referring to the trust board where gross misconduct may be an outcome. |
Implement the performance management programmes for all staff in the school and recommendation for incremental pay progression. |
Propose a managing staff reduction plan. |
Provide business case to CEO for approval of changes to staffing body outside of Trust agree job families, roles and pay grading |
To suspend/dismiss staff in consultation with the Executive Team. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Approval of statutory Staffing policies |
Approve changes to staffing body outside of Trust agree job families, roles and pay grades |
Approve the non contractual severance payments and exgratia payments |
Consider approval of recommended pay progressions of executive leaders. |
Consider approval of recommended pay progressions of staff. |
Ensure the managing staff reduction process is fair and equitable. Ratify on behalf of the board on the managing staff reduction plan. |
Ensure the Trust collaborative and leadership team structure is fit for purpose and affordable. |
Ensuring the adoption and adherence to the staff wellbeing charter |
Informed |
Adjustments to staffing structures in the relevant school |
Responsible |
Has the authority to dismiss Senior Leaders including head teachers from any school. |
Hearing disciplinary outcomes that may be considered as gross misconduct |
Performance management of the CEO and approval incremental pay progression. |
The recruitment and appointment of the executive |
Consulted |
By the headteacher on all freedom of information and subject access requests |
Responsible |
Ensure compliance with all data protection legislation and good practice across the schools. |
Ensure registration with the Information Commissioner Officer (ICO) |
Support the schools with the effective safe storage of data. |
Executive Team |
Accountable |
Ensuring the website and GIAS is compliant and up to date. |
Responsible |
Any financial demands relating to cyber security to be informed to the Audit Committee and Board of Trustees |
Ensure Information technology has the appropriate cyber security protection |
Ensure systems comply with Information management legislation with relation to students, parents/carers, staff and the wider community. |
Ensure the effective implementation of the data protection policies and procedures in the school. |
Ensuring cyber security protection and ransomware protection is in place across the Trust |
Maintain accurate and safe staff records for the Executive Team. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Any financial demands relating to cyber security to be informed to the Executive Team |
Ensure compliance with all Data Protection legislation and good practice in the school. |
Ensure the publication of school information ensuring all electronic communication including websites are up to date. |
Ensuring website and GIAS is compliant and up to date. |
Maintain accurate and secure staff records. |
Maintain accurate and secure student’s records. |
Managing all freedom of information and subject access requests |
Trustees |
Informed |
By the headteacher on all freedom of information and subject access requests |
Cyber security and ransomware protection is in place and is adequate |
The website and GIAS is compliant and up to date. |
Responsible |
Any financial demands relating to cyber security to be referred to the ESFA |
To approve data protection policies and procedures for schools, including; - The requirement to notify individuals as to how information is to be used - Safe storage |
Informed |
Attend feedback meetings with DfE/Ofsted. |
Responsible |
Annually agree the internal grading for the school. |
Support the Headteacher to ensure the school is inspection ready. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Provide support to the school to ensure it is ‘inspection ready’. |
Governors |
Informed |
Understand the requirements of inspection process and supports the Headteacher in being ‘inspection ready’. |
Responsible |
As invited, engage with the inspection process. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Communicate the outcomes of the inspection process with parents, carers and stakeholders. |
Ensure the LGC and all staff fully understand the requirements of the inspection process. |
Ensure the school is ‘inspection ready’ at all times. |
Notify the CEO of contact from the DfE/Ofsted asap. |
Trustees |
Informed |
Receive final inspection reports. |
Responsible |
Engage fully with the inspection process. |
Responsible |
Support and challenge Headteachers with their systems for monitoring the quality of teaching. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Monitor compliance with teaching standards on behalf of the TB. |
With the LGC; support, challenge and advise the school in its programme of improvement. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Know and understand the school’s own evaluation of the quality of teaching. |
With the CEO; support and challenge the school in its programme of improvement. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Accurate self-evaluation of the quality of teaching, its strengths and weaknesses and for implementing action to address this. |
Ensure external view / validation in terms of these judgments. |
Quality of teaching in the school, ensuring consistent good or better teaching leads to high quality outcomes for all students. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Ensure sufficient resources are allocated to deliver the highest possible quality of teaching. |
Responsible |
Recruitment and appointment of the Headteachers of schools and consulted on the recruitment of Senior Leaders. |
Executive Team |
Consulted |
As invited to do so; support the Headteacher by joining appointment panels or otherwise contribute to the appointment process of senior leadership team members. |
Responsible |
Monitor the Single Central Record and statutory compliance with respect to training for safer recruitment on behalf of the TB. |
Provide the Boards and schools with professional HR support and advice relating to the recruitment of staff. |
Provide the Boards with administrative support in the recruitment of Headteachers and senior staff. |
Governors |
Consulted |
As invited to do so; contribute to the appointment of the Headteacher. |
Informed |
Use key performance data provided by the school, is fully aware of the school’s activity in terms of its staff, staffing structures and more general HR data and can support and challenge appropriately. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Accuracy of the school’s Single Central Record and statutory compliance with respect to training for safer recruitment. |
Recruitment and appointment of all school staff other than the Headteacher, in line with Trust policies. |
Trustees |
Responsible |
Ratify the appointment of Headteachers. |
Recruitment and appointment of the Chief Executive and senior staff. |
Accountable |
Monitor statutory compliance with respect to safeguarding and child protection on behalf of the TB. |
Responsible |
Ensure all schools are working effectively in a multi-agency approach, to support the safety of children and young people. |
Maintain high-level professional development in relation to this area. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Ensure all Board members have the appropriate child protection checks and are recorded on the Single Central Record. |
Monitor the implementation of the safeguarding and child protection guidance. |
Provide safeguarding and child protection guidance for all schools. |
Governors |
Informed |
Receive summary reports including child protection, exclusions, attendance, behaviour in order to ensure the LGC is fully aware of the school’s activity in this area and can support and challenge appropriately. |
Responsible |
Ensure underperformance is challenged at school level |
Undertake annual training as requested by the Executive team |
Headteacher |
Accountable |
Statutory compliance of safeguarding and child protection in the school |
Responsible |
Ensure a fully trained DSL is in place. |
Ensure all staff receive annual training in line with statutory responsibilities. |
Ensure that a named person for Looked After Children is in place. |
Ensure that the school responds to local and national need/priorities. |
Ensure timely completion of all audits relating to safeguarding. |
Implementation of safeguarding and child protection policies and best practices within the school |
Provide reports for the LGC. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Appoint a link trustee with ownership for assurance of safeguarding and child protection |
Ensure that there is a complaint policy in place that is reviewed and updated in accordance with the national requirements |
Informed |
Receive reports and review KPIs as appropriate. |
Responsible |
Appoint a member of the committee who has a specific responsibility for ensuring the TB is fully briefed on safeguarding and child protection in the school and undertakes safer recruitment training. |
Accountable |
Approve the individual school strategic plans and annual KPI’s. |
Responsible |
Define the KPIs prior to board approval. |
Provide professional support and encouragement to the school(s) in developing and implementing its strategic plan and self-evaluation. |
Review periodically progress towards achieving the SIP goals. |
Review school(s) self-evaluation and provides challenge when required. |
Executive Team |
Responsible |
Implement the TBs’ strategic vision. |
Provide templates and support for strategic documents. |
Governors |
Consulted |
Together with the Headteacher; oversee the development and regular updating of the school’s improvement plan (SIP). |
Responsible |
Acting as a critical friend when scrutinising the self-evaluation. |
Oversee the implementation of the TBs’ strategic vision as it applies to the school. |
Together with the Headteacher; develop the school’s 3-5-year Strategic Plan (SDP) for approval by the Trust Board. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Implement the 5-year strategic plan and the annual school Improvement Plan (SIP). |
Together with the LGC; develop the school’s 5-year Strategic Plan for approval by the Trust Board. |
Together with the LGC; develop the school’s annual Improvement/Development Plan (SIP). |
Write the annual self-evaluation. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Develop the overall strategic vision for Mast Academy Trust. |
Monitoring the implementation of the strategic plan and vision |
Responsible |
Communicate a clear vision for the Trust. |
Governors |
Responsible |
Ensure their school has a clear vision in place, which is regularly reviewed and communicated widely. |
Together with the Headteacher; the Chair ensure the views of the LGC are well communicated to the Trust Board. |
Use the objective information they receive to be well informed about standards in school and progression towards the school's vision. |
Headteacher |
Responsible |
Implement the school vision as determined by the LGC. |
Together with the LGC Chair; ensure the views of the LGC are well communicated to the Trust Board. |
Together with the LGC Chair; ensure LGC members have all the information they require to be well informed about both the school and Mast Academy schools. |
Trustees |
Accountable |
Set a clear vision for the Trust and the schools. |
Page updated December 2024