Welcome to the website for The Mast Multi Academy Trust. 

We are a small multi academy trust based in Huddersfield within the district of Kirklees and close the boundaries of Barnsley and Wakefield. 

We are a community of schools that provide primary education through to the end of KS3 within secondary education.  We  came together as a multi academy trust with a common belief that children should always be at the heart of decisions made in education. Over the years, we have evolved and developed to create a truly collaborative model, where all schools work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and families – academically, socially and emotionally.  

We have a highly skilled and professional board of Trustees from a range of backgrounds including education, business and finance; health, marketing and human resources. They oversee the work of the Trust as a board and through designated committees which ensure support and challenge is robust and supports the achievement of our core aims.  

Putting children at the heart of everything we do is not just a tokenistic statement. Not only do we conduct annual reviews of our pupil population and seek their views when visiting schools, but we also have a Pupil Parliament which is made up of representatives from all of our schools. I have the pleasure of meeting with the Pupil Parliament termly to listen to their voices and ensure their priorities are heard in central decision making. Currently, the parliament is working to create a Pupil Charter alongside a shared drive to ensure all of our schools are ‘eco- friendly’ places.  

We also believe that the welfare and well-being of our staff is key to the success of our schools. We have mental health first aiders in all of our schools; strong systems to ensure equality for all and provide private medical care to staff in a number of areas.  

Our website provides a wealth of information about how we work together to ensure we unlock the best possible life chances for the children and families we serve. If you would like any further information, please make contact – we would happy to talk!